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Sunday, September 27, 2009


Is "Schmoosing" like Shmoozing? The Schmooze is when you go to a party filled with muckety-mucks and are terribly charming, gay, casually carefree, smart and coy. Think politicians glad-handing and back-slapping but with much more charm.

This is the Art of The Schmooze. Anyone with a modicum of charm can Do The Schmooze!

To Schmoose to to cuddle your Schmuuhund (or other animals), hugging her and kissing her funny tan belly. It also consists of kissing your furry friend and waggling her folds. It's what Grandmas do when they see you and grab your cheeks and kiss you all over. (Our Grandmother did NOT do this, however others' Grandmas do do this.)

1 comment:

  1. yes, yes exactly! I just want to schmoosh her adorable little face...
