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Thursday, November 30, 2017

My Political Views

I hate politics. Boring stuff, for the most part. I'd much rather discuss sex or even religion! I rather talk about animals, food, play a good game, etc. etc. etc. than politics. I rarely get political humor. I do have opinions, very strong ones but they're usually only tied to politics on a very peripheral level.

I do vote.
I vote because it's a privilege.
I vote because it's my duty. Less than a hundred years ago I wouldn't have been allowed to vote because I have a vagina.
I vote because my dad said, "If you don't vote, don't bitch."
I definitely vote on issues, levies, etc.

In my opinion: Contemporary politics are based primarily on these ideas. I would even venture to call them Facts:

1) People, for the most part sadly, are herd animals, at their most basic level.

2) As such, people are driven by fear. Fox News broadcasts, for example, are all about fear mongering.

3) The most important thing to do to maintain control: Keep people stupid, slightly angry, very scared and fill them with mind-numbing, ideally soul-numbing entertainment and media.

4) Disregard your older ones and those who do not conform to "social norms," the weaker of the herd.

5) Appeal to the basest level of the younger ones who are more susceptible, who are easily coerced by rhetoric, mass appeal, appetites of all kinds. Appeal to the lowest common denominator.
Convince them that by subjugating the elders, the "weaker" ones and the different ones they become superior.

6) Blame all problems on "them," whoever/whatever they/it may be.

7) Slowly erode individual decisions and intrude on people's lives.

8) Become selfish and encourage selfishness. Your neighbor is a (fill in the blank), you must fear him.

9) Knowingly and systematically eradicate personal responsibility. "It's not my fault. It's society, my parents, I didn't have parents, the stars, work......(fill in the blank)"

10) Do not respect the land, its resources and its creatures.

Bread and circuses, my friends.
Ancient Rome.
Nazi Germany.
Know thy history, my dears.

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